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First Class Guides: For Writing Original Essays

Make an Outline

At this step, students should create an outline. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that drives the argument forward. Beneath the topic sentence, students should include two or three pieces of evidence that support the topic. By creating a well-organized outline, students can make the writing process much easier.

Start Writing

To make writing easier, students can make a schedule for each day. Milestone goals like writing 500 words of 1,000 words a day help to break down the task and make it easier. When creating a writing schedule, students should make sure to save time for editing and emergencies in case something comes up while they are working.

How To Start

It can be difficult getting started, but there is no reason why students have to start at the introduction. The introduction covers the entire summary of the paper, so it is hard to write before the student actually knows their argument well. Due to this, students may want to start writing at the end or middle instead. As long as the student is writing and working on their assignment, it does not matter where they start at.

Save Time for Editing

When it comes to writing an essay, there is no excuse for typos or spelling errors. The student has time to turn in their best work, so there is no reason why they cannot use a basic spell check program. In addition, students may want to read their paper aloud to make it easier to spot spelling or grammar errors. A friend, teacher or tutor can also help with the editing process

How to Create an Amazingly Great Essay - 8 Steps to Perfection

Creating an essay can be a challenge. Over the course of high school and college, students will naturally start to improve. To speed up this process, students can use the following tips.

Choose the Right Topic

The first step in writing an essay is to pick the right topic. If the topic is too broad, it will be impossible to cover within the page limit. When the topic is too narrow, the student runs out of things to talk about. Initially, students can begin doing research to see what information is available for their paper. As the student tries to choose a topic, they should reread the writing prompt to make sure that their topic matches up with what the teacher wants.

Look for Information

Once the topic is selected, the next step is to research it. Students can start by doing a basic search of the Internet. Encyclopedias, .gov websites, academic journals and media websites are generally better sources of information than blogs. In addition, students will want to go to their library to look for books and journals on the topic.

Organize Research Notes

When the student actually begins writing their essay, they will need to cite each source that they use. Many students write down research information and forget to include the bibliographical details. Rather than waste time later on, students should write down the bibliographical details as they do the research. Each source should have its own section or note card so that the student always knows which source to quote.

Make a Thesis Statement

Now that the student knows what their topic is and the research that supports it, they are ready to create their argument. Students should write a thesis statement that covers their argument in just one or two sentences. This sentence basically sums up the entire point of the paper and will be one of the first things that teachers will look at when they start grading the assignment.

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